Welcome to my web site. I hope you stay awhile and enjoy the view. May you take time to enjoy the beauty around you and enjoy your day!
Jitterbug and Maxwell
Hello. It’s me.
Welcome to my web site. I hope you stay awhile and enjoy the view.
Some days I blog when the feeling moves me. It usually is about my stitching but you can expect anything, mostly my Birmans, Jitterbug and Maxwell. You can find my blog here.
I love needlepoint. I love it a lot. I collect it more than I stitch it which is why I have a whole section dedicated to “Needlepoint to Start” and believe me, this is just a small sample. You can find that page here.
I also like to post my WIPs or Work in Progress. It gives me encouragement to keep moving on certain projects. You can find that page here.
Finally, I have a page of finished needlepoint. Surprisingly it’s getting much larger since our move to Florida in 2020. You can find that page here.
May you take time to enjoy the beauty around you and enjoy your day!